Checkpoints Logo

Certification Centers

A complete list of Certification Centers on Korea's certification bike paths.

This Certification Centers guide lists all the certification centers and stamps needed to complete your Bike Passport.

Included in the listings, find which stamp booths are staffed certification centers (유인인증센터) where you can buy a bike passport and verify your stamps.

Want to know more?

  • Click on the Kakao Maps or Google Maps icons to see their locations on a map.
  • Tap on the bike path (i.e. Ara Bike Path) to learn more about the area.
  • Browsing on your phone? Press the phone number to call the certification center.
Listings Icon
Certification Center Quick List
Cross-Country Routes icon.

Cross-Country Route

Ara Bicycle Path

(아라자 전거길) | 2 Checkpoints

Ara West Sea Lock

(아라서해갑문 인증센터)
Ara West Sea Lock certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Ara Hangang Lock

(아라한강갑문 인증센터)
Ara Hangang Lock certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Hangang Bicycle Path

(한강자 전거길) | 10 Checkpoints


(여의도 인증센터)
Yeouido certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Google Maps
The logo for Naver Maps.
Naver Maps

Ttukseom Observatory Complex

(뚝섬전망콤플렉스 인증센터)
Tteukseom Observation Complex certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Gwangnaru Bicycle Park

(광나루자전거공원 인증센터)
Gwangnaru Bicycle Park​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

The Balgeun Gwangjang Certification Center crosses the Hangang Bicycle Path. It’s the last Certification Center on the Buckhangang Bicycle Path. Find the stamp on pages 15 & 17.

Neungnae Station

(능내역 인증센터)
Neungnae Station certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Yangpyeong-gun Art Museum

(양평군립미술관 인증센터)
Yangpyeong Art Museum certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps


(이포보 인증센터)
Ipo-bo​ certification certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps


(여주보 인증센터)
Yeojubo-bo certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps


(강천보 인증센터)
Gangcheon-bo​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps


(비내섬 인증센터)
Binaeseom certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Chungju Dam

(충주댐 인증센터)
Chungju Dam​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Chungju Tangeumdae Certification Center crosses the Hangang Bicycle Path. It’s the first Certification Center on the Saejae Bicycle Path. Find the stamp on pages 16 & 19.

Saejae Bicycle Path

(새재 자전거길) | 5 Checkpoints

Chungju Tangeumdae

(충주탄금대 인증센터)
Chungju Tangeumdae certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Suanbo Oncheon

(수안보온천 인증센터)
Suanbo Ocheon certification center stamp.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

The Haengchon Crossroads Certification Center lies on the Saejae Bicycle Path. It’s the first Certification Center on the Ocheon Bicycle Path.

Ihwaryeong Rest Area

(이화령 휴게소 인증센터)
certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Mungyeong Buljeong Station

(문경불정역 인증센터)
Mungyeong Buljeong Station certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Sangju Sangpung Bridge

(상주상풍교 인증센터)
Sangjusangpoong Bridge certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Nakdonggang Bicycle Path

(낙동강 자전거길) | 11 Checkpoints

Andong Dam

(안동댐 인증센터)
Andong Dam​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Sangju Sangpung Bridge Certification Center lies on the Nakdonggang Bicycle Path. It’s the last Certification Center on the Saejae Bicycle Path.


(상주보 인증센터)
Sangju-bo​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps


(낙단보 인증센터)
Nakdan-bo certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps


(구미보 인증센터)
Gumi-bo​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps


(칠곡보 인증센터)
Chilgok-bo​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Gangjeong Goryeong-bo

(강정고령보 인증센터)
Gangjeong Goryeong-bo​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps


(달성보 인증센터)
Dalseong-bo​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Hapcheon Changnyeong-bo

(합천창녕보 인증센터)
Hapcheon Changnyeong-bo​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps


(구름재 인증센터)
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Kakao Maps

Changnyeong Haman-bo

(창녕함안보 인증센터)
Changnyeong Hamanbo certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Yangsan Water Culture Hall

(양산 물문화관 인증센터)
Yangsan Water Culture Center certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Nakdonggang Estuary Bank

(낙동강하구둑 인증센터)
Nakdonggang Estuary Bank certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps
Korean East Coast Bicycle Route icon.

East Coast Route

Gyeongbuk Bicycle Path

(동해안자전거길 (경북)) | 5 Checkpoints

Sunrise Park

(해맞이공원 인증센터)
Sunrise Park​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Goraebul Beach

(고래불해변 인증센터)
Goraebul Beach​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps


(월송정 인증센터)
Wolsongjeong​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Mangyang Service Area

(망양휴게소 인증센터)
Mangyang Service Area certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Uljin Sweet Fish Bridge

(울진은어다리 인증센터)
Uljin Sweet Fish Bridge​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Gangwon Bicycle Path

(동해안자전거길 (강원)) | 12 Checkpoints


(임원 인증센터)
Imwon​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Hanjae Park

(한재공원 인증센터)
Hanjae Park certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Chuam Chotdaebawi

(추암촛대바위 인증센터)
Chuam Chotdaebawi​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Mangsang Beach

(망상해변 인증센터)
Mangsang Beach certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps


(정동진 인증센터)
Jeongdongjin certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Gyeongpo Beach

(경포해변 인증센터)
Gyeongpo Beach certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Jigyeong Park

(지경공원 인증센터)
Jigyeong Park certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Dongho Beach

(동호해변 인증센터)
Dongho Beach certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps


(영금정 인증센터)
Yeonggeumjeong certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Bongpo Beach

(봉포해변 인증센터)
Bongpo Beach certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Bukcheon Railroad Bridge

(북천철교 인증센터)
Bukcheon Railroad Bridge certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Unification Observatory

(통일전망대 인증센터)
Unification Observatory certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
Google Maps Logo
Google Maps
Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps
Western Routes bicycle path logo.

Western Routes

Ocheon Bicycle Path

(오천 자전거길) | 5 Checkpoints

Haengchon Crossroads

(행촌교차로 인증센터)
Haengchon Crossroads certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
Google Maps Logo
Google Maps
Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Goegang Bridge

(괴강교 인증센터)
Goegang Bridge​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Google Maps
Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Baekro Park

(백로공원 인증센터)
Baekro Park​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Google Maps
Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Musim Cheon Bridge

(무심천교 인증센터)
Musim Cheon Bridge certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Google Maps
Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Hapgang Park

(합강공원 인증센터)
Hapgang Park certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Google Maps
Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Geumgang Bicycle Path

(금강 자전거길) | 6 Checkpoints

Daecheong Dam

(대청댐 인증센터)
Daecheong Dam​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Google Maps
Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

The Hapgang Park checkpoint crosses the Geumgang Bicycle Path. It’s is the last checkpoint on the Ocheon Bicycle Path.


(세종보 인증센터)
Sejong-bo​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
Google Maps Logo
Google Maps
Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps


(공주보 인증센터)
Gongju-bo​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
Google Maps Logo
Google Maps
Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps


(백제보 인증센터)
Baekje-bo certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Iksan Seongdangpogu

(익산 성당포구 인증센터)
Iksan Seongdangpogu certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Geumgang Estuary Bank

(금강하구둑 인증센터)
Geumgang Estuary Bank​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Google Maps
Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Seomjingang Bicycle Path

(섬진강 자전거길) | 8 Checkpoints

Seomjingang Dam

(섬진강댐 인증센터)
Seomjingang Dam​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Google Maps
Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps


(장군목 인증센터)
Janggunmok​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Hyangga Park

(향가유원지 인증센터)
Hyangga Park​ certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps


(횡탄정 인증센터)
Hwoingtanjoeng certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps


(사성암 인증센터)
Saseongam certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Namdo Bridge

(남도대교 인증센터)
Namdo Bridge certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Maehwa Village

(매화마을 인증센터)
Maehwa Village certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Baealdo Waterfront Park

(배알도 수변공원 인증센터)
Baealdo Waterfront Park certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Yeongsangang Bicycle Path

(영산강 자전거길) | 7 Checkpoints

Damyang Dam

(담양댐 인증센터)
Damyang Dam certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Metasequoia Road

(메타세콰이어길 인증센터)
Metasequoia Road certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Google Maps
Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Damyang Bamboo Forest

(담양대나무숲 인증센터)
Damyang Bamboo Forest certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps


(승촌보 인증센터)
Seungchon-bo certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps


(죽산보 인증센터)
Juksan-bo certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Neureoji Observation Center

(느러지관람전망대 인증센터)
Neureoji Observation Center certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Yeongsangang Estuary Bank

(영산강하구둑 인증센터)
Yeongsangang Estuary Bank certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps
Jeju & More Routes logo.

Jeju & More Routes

Jeju Fantasy Bicycle Path

(제주환상자전거길) | 10 Checkpoints

Yong Du Am

(용두암 인증센터)
Yong Du Am certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Google Maps
Link button to Kakao Maps Highlights.
Kakao Maps

Darak Shelter

(다락쉼터 인증센터)
Darak Shelter certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Haegeoreum Park

(해거름마을공원 인증센터)
Haegeoreum Park certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps


(송악산 인증센터)
Songaksan certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Beophwan Badang

(법환바당 인증센터)
Beophwan Badang certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps


(쇠소깍 인증센터)
Soesokkak certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Pyoseon Beach

(표선해변 인증센터)
Pyoseon Beach certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Seongsan Ilchulbong

(성산일출봉 인증센터)
Seongsan Ilchulbong certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Gimnyeong Seongsegi Beach

(김녕성세기해변 인증센터)
Gimnyeong Seongsegi Beach certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Hamdeok Seoubong Beach

(함덕서우봉해변 인증센터)
Hamdeok Seoubong Beach certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Bukhangang Bicycle Path

(북한강 자전거길) | 4 Checkpoints

Sinmae Bridge

(신매대교 인증센터)
Sinmae Bridge certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Kyunggang Bridge

(경강교 인증센터)
Kyunggang Bridge certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Saeteo Samgeori

(샛터삼거리 인증센터)
Saeteo Samgeori certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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Kakao Maps

Balgeun Gwangjang

(밝은광장 인증센터)
Balgeun Gwangjang certification center checkpoint stamp for Korea's Bicycle Certification system.
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