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Nakdan Weir

Nakdonggang Bike Path
Learn about Nakdan Weir, the second watergate on the Nakdong River.

Nakdan Weir (낙단보; map; Nakdan-bo) sits 17 kilometers south of Sangju Weir in Sangju City.

The second Four Rivers Project watergate on the Nakdong River, 142 meters of its 286-meter length are movable beams that regulate water flow for nearby farms. Two 1,500 kW hydro plants generate juice for nearby residences.

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The weir’s towers mimic the eaves of Gwansuru (관수루; map), one of three paramount pavilions built along the river during the Goryeo Dynasty (고려; 918~1392).

Where is Gwansuru Pavilion? Perched on the eastern banks, overlooking rushing waters a fraction of a kilometer down path (road view).

Nakdan Weir has a few other attractions. However, to visit them you need to climb stairs to the roadside, walk down the sidewalk, and tumble down wooden stairs to a grassy lawn. There you’ll find:

  • Seated Maae Bodhisattva (마애보살좌상이; map) — While building the Nakdan Weir, workers discovered an an ancient image of Buddha carved into the granite hillside. Locals have built a wooden platform and tent around the carving to hold ceremonies.
  • Nakdan Cultural Center (낙단보문화관; map) — This two story building acts as the Nakdan Weir’s management office. It holds an exhibit of the area, 2nd story viewing platform, vending machines, and bathrooms.

Cyclists must cross this weir to continue on the certification path. The Nakdan-bo Certification Center sits on the southeast side.